I took these little purple pills for YEARS….and the whole reason I had to take them was to deal with the side effects that some of the other Rx I was taking caused.
My doctors said were safe…and I never doubted him….until five years ago, when I was diagnosed with a cancer that was directly linked to a Rx I took in my early 20’s. That’s when I started looking into natural health alternatives. I’m so glad I learned how to support my digestion system and my overall health in a way to help my body overcome the need for those little purple pills!
Here is the link to an alarming Washington University School of Medicine article:
Heartburn drugs linked to fatal heart and kidney disease, stomach cancer
When you read how the death risk increases the longer such drugs are used, you’ll understand WHY I think it’s incredible that I was able to get to the point where I haven’t needed these little purple pills for almost five years!
Let me know if you would like to learn how I used DiGize and Peppermint essential oil to support my digestive system!