Animal Desk Reference ON SALE NOW!

This Holiday Season, your furry friends deserve the gift of essential oils! Cats, dogs, horses, pigs, birds…..your animals deserve the best care possible. Nothing beats natural, toxic chemical-free, healthy solutions of essential oils. When we love our pets we want them to have the very best!!! From top veterinary leaders in Young Living, this volume covers a wide-range of animals, ailments and essential oil techniques that support each animal in their time of need. Our pets are part of the family, and they deserve the same clean and toxic chemical-free environment that the rest of our family enjoys. Young Living Continue Reading →

Healthy Living Goals

Today in the Clean Living Challenge we were challenged to make goals for how we’re going to add Young Living products to our daily routine over the next 6 months. Here are my 6 month Young Living goals: October: Learn about and use Oola oils – I purchased “Oola University” and I got all the Oola oils FREE with my Rewards Points!!! I’m ready to get started living an Oola life!!!! November: Start drinking Pure Protein Compete for one meal a day to help lose weight. I’ve gained 40 pounds since I had cancer, and I do NOT like how Continue Reading →

Natural Living Class, September 30th in Herrin, IL

Some of the most dangerous things that affect our health are toxic chemicals we unwittingly expose ourselves & our children to on a daily basis! Oftentimes, these chemicals are the culprits behind sickness, diminished immunity, emotional imbalance, chronic illness and MORE!!! If you want to learn how to DITCH toxic chemical and SWITCH to safe all-natural plant-based alternatives in your home, then I’d love to invite you to our “Natural Living” class!!! You’re welcome to invite your family, friends and coworkers!! Saturday, September 30th at 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Dotty Event Center, 210 North Park Ave Herrin, IL. (Between “The Continue Reading →

Essential Oils for Fun in the Summer Sun

Our high today is 91 with thunderstorms starting at 2:00 p.m and going all the way through the night!!! How HOT is it where you live??? What are you doing to beat the heat??? If you’re headed to the beach or the lake to celebrate the 4th of July weekend, you’ve probably packed sunscreen in your bag.  Why apply harmful chemicals that are found in store-bought sunscreens when you can make one that is actually good for you and your family!!! I was excited to find this recipe for sun protection in the Lemon Dropper files to share with you for Continue Reading →

Worry never fixes anything ~ Ernest Hemingway

#OolaYLChallenge Faith Young Living

Challenge 5: Faith Welcome to day five of the #OolaYLChallenge! Today we’re exploring the fifth “F” of Oola—Faith.  Although “having faith” means different things to each individual. In general, faith is rooted in gratitude, humility, and an understanding of your greater purpose in the world. With our lives today being so chaotic and stressful, it’s easy to lose faith.  We over-analyze and over-think every situation.  Our lives are crazy-busy and we have a hard time falling asleep because our minds won’t shut up!!!  We worry over every detail of the previous day, what is coming up the following day, and Continue Reading →

#OolaLife: Reach your true, unlimited potential.

Young Living Essential Oils

Challenge 4:  Focus on the fourth “F” of Oola—Field. Today’s #OolaYLChallenge is to find at least one way to give your all to the job you have, whether your job is being a student, a stay-at-home parent, or you have a professional career.  Maybe you don’t love your job, but it pays the bills.  Every time you make the most of your current situation, you get closer to having an #OolaLife. Are you lucky enough to have your dream job?  I was very fortunate in that my dream job was to be a stay-at-home Mom.  My husband was a college Continue Reading →

Oola YL Challenge: Love your body!!!


Today is the first day of the 21-Day Oola YL Challenge!!! Challenge #1 was “Fitness”….but there’s a twist to the challenge that I wasn’t expecting.  I thought Oola YL was going to challenge me to do 10,000 steps today, or some other “get up and move” challenge. Instead today’s #OolaYLChallenge was to think of three things you love about your body. Whoa, whoa, WHOA!!!!  That’s a hard one!!!  It would be easier to get in 10,000 steps today!!! I see my friends who are always hitting the gym and getting their 10,000+ steps in, and I feel embarrassed because I Continue Reading →

Greeking Out! Young Living has 3 New Tasty Recipes for Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is as versatile as it is delicious! Check out Young Living’s three new essential oil infused recipes to add a little Greek to your diet. Visit Young Living’s blog for three new Greek yogurt recipes!!! Dill Veggie Dip Yogurt-Filled Einkorn Crepes Greek Yogurt Coleslaw

Essential Oils vs. the Dark Side of the Perfume Industry

Essential Oil Perfumes

Perfumes can be both intoxicating and seductive.  Many perfumes evoke deep emotions or sweet memories. However, there is a dark side to the perfume industry to which you may not be aware.  Commercial perfume manufacturers are allowed to withhold information on their ingredients to protect trade secrets.  Many of the secret ingredients are potentially hazardous synthetic chemicals (mostly petrochemicals) that are known toxins and carcinogens. More than 95 percent of the chemicals in synthetic fragrances are derived from petrochemicals. These chemicals include: benzene derivatives, aldehydes, phthalates, and a slew of other known toxins that are capable of causing cancer, birth Continue Reading →

Have a Healthy Smile!

When I was researching for the Essential Oils 101 class that I teach for John A. Logan College, one of the subjects I wanted to present was about toxins in our personal hygiene products and how to find all-natural, non-toxic solutions. One of the shocking things I discovered was that there are particles of plastic added to my family’s favorite toothpaste.  Yes, little balls of plastic!!!  According to Crest, polyethylene plastic is in your toothpaste for decorative purposes only. That’s right, the only reason plastic is in there is because it looks cool. Personally, I think it is NOT COOL Continue Reading →

Wishing You a Calmer, Happier, Healthier New Year!!!

Young Living Essential Oils can help you keep your New Year's Resolutions!

My New Year’s Resolution is to have a calmer, happier, healthier year!!! What’s at the top of your resolutions list? I need to focus on #7 and #8 in 2015.  Then I need to work on #6 and #9 so I can do #10. Are you interested in how essential oils can help you have a calmer, happier, healthier  New Year? I’d love to talk to you about how essential oils have dramatically improved our lives and how they can help YOU!!!  Just “Like” Peace, Love and Joyce on Facebook then send me a message about issues you’d like information about. Continue Reading →