Deep Relief…..because doing taxes is literally a pain in the neck!!!

Deep Relief…..because doing taxes is literally a pain in the neck!!!

Tax Day is just two weeks away…..or is it? When is Tax Day this year??? You would think the answer would be simple, but hey, we’re talking about the US government, so…..

Traditionally, April 15th is the last day you can rush to the post office with forms in hand and file your annual return. The reality in 2017 varies across the country.

For the majority of taxpayers, the deadline this year for filing and paying taxes is Tuesday, April 18th.

Since April 15th falls on a Saturday this year, I thought Tax Day would be bumped to the following Monday. So why is Tax Day on Tuesday??? April 17th is the observance of Emancipation Day, which is a holiday in Washington, D.C., so the IRS agents won’t be in the office.

Therefore Tax Day is April 18th…..UNLESS… live in parts of Georgia and Mississippi, where some people have until May 31st to file and pay their taxes, or portions of Louisiana, where people have until June 30th. The Wall Street Journal reports that deadlines can vary among taxpayers who live and work abroad or for military members who are serving in combat zones.

Then there are the procrastinators who can use the April 18th deadline to request an additional six months to send in their taxes. The six-month extension ends on Oct. 16th. (You still have to pay what you owe on time by April 18th, however.)

So there you have it. Tax Day is two weeks away or is it?????


Young Living Deep Relief™ Roll-On makes essential oils such as Peppermint, Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Helichrysum convenient for a fast-paced lifestyle. This blend of popular oils is a great companion for your trips to the gym and busy daily routine.

Oils such as Peppermint and Wintergreen provide a refreshing, cooling sensation during or after a workout, with an invigorating scent that inspires an upbeat and energetic approach to whatever keeps you active. The convenient roll-on packaging makes this product an easy addition to your gym bag or purse so you can reach for it whenever you like.

Deep Relief Roll-On Uses

  • Treat yourself to an on-the-go mini massage with Deep Relief oil along the nape of your neck and shoulders or onto any other area you choose.
  • Use the energizing scent during your gym session when you need a quick break. Swipe it across your neck, temples, forehead, or chest to recharge before you get back to work.
  • Keep Deep Relief in your office or living room for a quick pick-me-up and cool, refreshing sensation.


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