Peace, Love and Joyce is a proud Sponsor of the For Kids’ Sake Superhero 5K!
It’s not too late to JOIN our “Peace, Love and Oils” team and participate in the Superhero 5K Run/Walk next Saturday!
Be sure to stop by and say “Hi!” to Shoshana Church and me at the “Peace, Love and Oils” booth.
💧 Register to WIN a Superhero Stainless Steel Diffuser Necklace!
💧 Kids get a FREE Superhero slap bracelet! While supplies last.
💧 FREE “Superheroes: Powered by Essential Oils!” Recipes
💧 Sign-up for a FREE iTOVi scan! (Retail Value: $25)
On the day of the race, be sure to have your team photos taken by the awesome “For Kids Sake Superhero 5K” sign!
Sign Sponsored by Joyce Fisher, Peace, Love and Joyce, and installed by SignGypsies-Southern Illinois
I will make a $20 Donation to “For Kids Sake” for each Premium Starter Kit purchased by FKS Superhero 5K volunteers and participants between now and 11:59 p.m. September 30th.