Granny’s got a cute little ass!
ass 1 |as|noun
ORIGIN: Old English assa, from a Celtic word related to Welshasyn, Breton azen, based on Latin asinus.
A hoofed mammal of the horse family with a braying call, typically smaller than a horse and with longer ears. In general use, a donkey. [Genus Equus, family Equidae: E. africanus of Africa, which is the ancestor of the domestic ass or donkey, and E. hemionus of Asia.]
And here you thought I was being vulgar! Ha ha!
Granny’s reaction when she sees her Christmas present is absolutely ADORABLE!!!! She was so surprised, excited and happy that she said she was going to cry!
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I love my brother-in-law Jay for coming up with the idea to get her the miniature donkeys and then for searching for the perfect ones! Granny’s name is Louise, so as soon as Jay discovered that the larger donkey’s name was Ruby Louise he told the guy we would take her, even before he knew how much the guy was asking for her!!!
Then he decided we had to buy Red too, as he didn’t want Ruby Louise to be lonely. (Apparently it cuts a donkey’s life expectancy in half if they are alone.)
Of course, Jay always has to give his Mother-in-law a hard time and he told her, “I’ve always wanted to be able to say, “Get your ass off my property!” Ha ha ha ha ha!!! He acts like such a tough guy but he really is a softy!
This just may be one of the best presents we’ve ever given our Mom for Christmas!!!
COMMENTS from post originally published on

Hi Anne,
I never knew she loved donkeys so much! How did Jay know that?!?!?! It’s obvious she LOVES Ruby Louise & Red, every time I call she has to update me on them! Ha ha!
Peace, Love & Joy,

I remember her talking about visiting the donkeys down the road when Kevin and I were there last Christmas. She said she always stopped to see them when she took her walk. Thank you so much for the pics and the video, Joyce. I can’t wait to meet Red and Ruby!

Hi Linda,
They are soooooo cute & really friendly! They hurry across the field as soon as they see that you are headed their way. They love to have their ears scratched! Mom is absolutely IN LOVE with them! She’s so cute!
Peace, Love & Joy,

Those little donkeys are too cute!

Hi Mary,
They are soooo precious!!! As soon as a car pulls up in the driveway they come hustling up to the barn because they’ve already figured out that everyone that visits Granny is probably going to stop and give them a treat first.
Peace, Love and Joy,
It’s so funny that Granny has always wanted a donkey. Who’d have thunk it? Great story, pictures are adorable, video is priceless!